Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Snapshots from the road trip to California

Dear friends,
     Day # 3 of teaching has passed.  The weeks leading up to school beginning proved to be incredibly fleeting.  Therefore, I want to re-visit some wonderful memories from the road trip Meg Butler and I took to California.  It was a three-week marathon of winding drives through mountains, conversations in which we thought about how we felt, and joyful homecomings in different states with different friends.  I will always treasure the time we spent.

    During the three weeks, Meg and I kept a list of things we were thankful for called "the gratitude journal."  This idea is entirely un-original!  It comes from the book One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp which I think I have already mentioned on this blog.  So, can I share pictures and thankfulnesses???  Great, let's begin.

#2 Dinner at Jennifer Martin's apartment- homemade sage pasta with cream sauce

#20 Watching our skin ripple under the hand blow dryers at the gas stop.

#31 Australian accents (my friend Suzy Allen's mother)

#43 Getting out of the state of Kansas

#62 Beautiful morning drive into the Tetons accompanied by Mumford and Sons

#92  The reality of awesomeness of the Ship's Inn (in Eureka, CA)

#104 Reaching the high notes on "All by Myself"

#137 Smoky room at Harrah's made us appreciate clean air

#156 Mr. Gramling cleaning out our cooler and car

#180 That God cares about us

#201 Steve the car (Meg's Nissan Maxima