Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Happy February!

A couple of months ago, I stumbled across this TED talk entitled Vulnerability.  Brene Brown, a research professor with a doctorate in social work, speaks about different barriers to vulnerability she has found from her research (interviews/letters with thousands of people).  She also shares a bit about her own "battle" with vulnerability.

At the time I watched the video I was wrestling with the fact that I had just ended a three month dating relationship.  Though I knew it was right that we both ended it, I also knew that the relationship brought to light the fact that I did not like to take risks ( at all! ).

Right now in my life, I am taking some risks.  It is scary!  Applying for graduate school in a program that I don't know for SURE will work out, going out on dates with guys who I'm not SURE are right for me, and investing in high school students who I am not SURE I will ever see again after this year. 

One thing I have learned: that embracing life in joyful and painful moments is better than trying not to feel at all :)

Enjoy the video!  Tell me what you think!
